Quran's Tafhim ( explanation)

*21) Sane of the commentators opine that 'Admonition here implies the Quran and 'Messenger" the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings); some others say that "Admonition" implies the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace( himself, because he was admonition for .the people through anti through. We are of the opinion that this second interpretation is more correct, for according to the first commentary the sentence would read 'We have sent down to you an Admonition and sent such a Messenger. " obviously, there is no need for such an interpolation in the Qur'anic passage when it is perfectly meaningful, even snore so, without it.
*22) "Out of darknesses Into light" : out of the darknesses of ignorance into the light of knowledge The full significance of this Divine Saying becomes obvious onlv when one studies the other ancient and modern family laws of the world pertaining to divorce, waiting-period and provision of maintenance. This comparative study will show that in spite of the un-ending alterations, modifications and continual legislation no nation has been able so far to build for itself such a rational. natural and socially useful law as had been given by this Book and the Messenger who brought it 1500 wears ago. It has never stood in treed of revision nor it .ever will. I here is no occasion here for a detailed comparative study of it; we have, however, given a brief specimen of it in the concluding portion of our book Huquq az-Zaujain; the,scholars who are interested in the subject can for themselves compare the world's religious and secular laws with this law of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
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